Because being an adult is hard work.
 We get it, you're busy and life is crazy - but did you know that life isn't meant to be lived alone? Sebastian Christian Church offers numerous opportunities for adults to connect with other adults, who are also adults. Here at Sebastian Christian Church we believe that life is meant to be lived together. We have a great time being together, learning together and growing together. Who knows, you may even make new friends. You will find that as you reach out to encourage others, they will also be a great encouragement to you.  This info graph portrays how we can grow in Christ.

Connecting With Each other

What Is Discover?

Discover how to connect with God and His family here at SCC, grow in God’s love and character, serve in God’s Church and share God’s love with our community. Discover is a relaxed environment designed to help you get acquainted with who we are, what we believe, and what makes our culture unique.
The informal, small-group format provides you with the opportunity to meet others at our church, ask questions about our ministries and beliefs, interact with a few staff, and learn tangible next steps on how to become more connected.
Plus, there are great snacks, and coffee!


The goal of Sebastian Christian Church is to equip and encourage adults to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. We do this by getting grounded in God’s Word, providing opportunities to build relationships with other adults and by offering ways to serve the Lord through the body of Christ.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Join Bob Bell for a Sunday morning exploration of the Bible and how it applies to life today.  Each session focuses on a topic to build your faith and deepen your understanding of God's word.
The class is offered in twice each Sunday 7:45AM or 9:15AM) in Building B Room 101.  

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Our mid-week service provides members of our church family and the community the opportunity to spend time in the Word of God with Pastor Todd.  Each study challenges us to grow in faith and understanding of scripture.  If you can not join us in person, each session is live-streamed.

What Is The Rooted Journey ?

We are excited to offer Rooted, an opportunity to explore your relationship with Jesus, and find community with His Church. #experiencerooted #wearerooted #RootedNetwork

Men's Bible Study

Meeting every Tuesday morning at 9AM, this Bible study is open to all men who would like the opportunity to fellowship and study the Word of God with other men. It’s a time of sharing, prayer, study, and commitment to the commandments of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
In addition our Men's Ministry hosts various activities for Bible study, fun, food, and fellowship. Pastor Todd also hosts a monthly men's Bible study at Woody's Barbecue in Roseland.

Women's Bible Study

Open to women of all ages, this group meets at 10:00 am in Building B on the 2nd & 4th Thursday October through May.  Jacquie Bennis, an incredible woman of God, leads this study. Join other women of our community as we study God's Word, discuss Biblical principles, share how we can make a difference, and pray for those in need.
We laugh together, pray together, learn together, live others. Groups come in all shapes and sizes.  Some are organized by friendships, some by schedule or topic, others by gender or place in life, and some by special interest.  No matter who you are or where you are, we have you covered! LifeGroups at Sebastian Christian Church are where we grow together. 

REaching into the community

Connecting Purpose With Practice

I can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, “Sounds good. You take care of the faith department, I’ll handle the works department.”
Not so fast. You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works (James 2:18 - MSG)
Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove. Discover what it means to make a difference at SCC and connect with the opportunities available to live out your purpose and help others by using your God-given gifts.
We consider it to be a mission of every Christian to impact other people's lives. Learn about what we're doing in local, national, and international missions, as well as how you can get involved.