Our Growth Track
The SCC Growth Track will help you discover your redeemed purpose and live the life that God has planned for you. The Growth Track consists of three relational steps that will prepare you to:
1. Connect with your Church family,
2. Grow in your relationship with God,
3. Help you discover and use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
1. Connect with your Church family,
2. Grow in your relationship with God,
3. Help you discover and use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.
Step One
Become a Member
Our Discover Class is a relaxed environment designed to help you get acquainted with who we are, what we believe, and what makes our culture unique.
The informal, small-group format provides you with the opportunity to meet others at our church, ask questions about our ministries and beliefs, interact with a few staff, and learn tangible next steps on how to become more connected.
Plus, there are great snacks, and coffee!
The informal, small-group format provides you with the opportunity to meet others at our church, ask questions about our ministries and beliefs, interact with a few staff, and learn tangible next steps on how to become more connected.
Plus, there are great snacks, and coffee!
Step Two
Discover Your Design
Rooted is a 10-Week discipleship journey designed to connect people to God, the church and their purpose. #experiencerooted #wearerooted #RootedNetwork
Step Three
Serve With Us
I can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, “Sounds good. You take care of the faith department, I’ll handle the works department.”
Not so fast. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove. James 2:18 (MSG)
Discover what it means to make a difference at SCC and connect with the opportunities available to live out your purpose and help others by using your God-given gifts.
Not so fast. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove. James 2:18 (MSG)
Discover what it means to make a difference at SCC and connect with the opportunities available to live out your purpose and help others by using your God-given gifts.