learn more about the different areas of our church
What does it mean to take the next step? As a church, we believe we are called to train and equip our members for their part in fulfilling the Great Commission to “Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone” (Mark 16:15 NLT). We believe we are called to love, worship, and obey God and to be a living testimony and witness for His Kingdom throughout the world starting at our doorsteps. We believe that God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth and that we all can and should take an active part in sharing the message of Salvation, through our spoken words and our deeds. We are aware that this is not a task exclusive to our church and that we need to form a partnership with other believers to actively support their endeavors whether it be by actively taking part in their day to day activities or lending financial support.
Water Baptism
At SCC we teach that water baptism is a public declaration of three Biblical truths; you are a follower of Jesus Christ, that you are beginning a transformed life in Christ, and that you are part of God's family. Discover the meaning of baptism and how you might be baptized at Sebastian Christian Church.
SCC Kids
Help children develop a real love for Jesus, establish their lives on the truth of God's Word, form meaningful friendships, and discover their destiny at a young age. Learn more about SCC Kids and how you can help.
SCC Students
At SCC our small group ministry is called Life Groups because we believe that God wants every person to experience abundant life here on earth, and He designed us to be in relationship one another. Discover how lives are changed in Life Groups and how you can get involved.
We consider it to be a mission of every Christian to impact other people's lives. Learn about what we're doing in local, national, and international missions, as well as how you can get involved.